Newtonlink Options - Export/Import/Sync Newton Dates

Newtonlink is able to import Newton dates to a desktop system, export dates from a desktop to Newton dates and to synchronize Newton dates with dates on your desktop system. Currently there are three desktop dates programs supported :


While importing Newton dates Newtonlink gets all dates informations via Sloup and writes them into an intermediate file ~/.newtonlink/newtonlink.dates. This file is written in the common vCalendar file format. After that, other filter routines convert this intermediate file into a file format for the supported desktop notes programs. You can edit the name and path of these desktop notes files in the Newtonlink config file.


Sorry, this option comes soon.


Sorry, this option comes soon.

Option -korganizer : Export/Import/Sync Newton dates with KOrganizer

newtonlink -korganizer [-e|-i|-s]

This function exports (-e), imports (-i) or synchronizes (-s) Newton dates with KDE KOrganizer. You can edit the name and path of the KOrganizer file in the Newtonlink config file.

Screenshot Korganizer after dates import

Option -socal : Export/Import/Sync Newton dates with StarOffice calendar

newtonlink -socal [-e|-i|-s]

This function exports (-e), imports (-i) or synchronizes (-s) Newton dates with the StarOffice calendar.

Screenshot StarOffice Calendar

Screenshot StarOffice after dates import

Option -plan : Get Newton dates for Plan input file

newtonlink -plan

This function gets all dates of your Newton and writes them to a Plan input file. You can edit the name and path of this file in the Newtonlink config file. There you also have to select which plan file you want to use (normal or private).

Screenshot Plan month view after dates import

Screenshot Plan Work

Screenshot Plan week view after dates import